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About Ryan
Ryan S. Howard, Ph.D. is the host of Cutting Edge Faith, a Top 10% podcast with downloads across 195 countries. Ryan helps Christ-followers understand the times, stand for truth and grow in their faith.
He has been a guest on top-ranked business and Christian podcasts and has spoken at churches in the US and Brazil. He is a contributor for Charisma Magazine and is the author of 21 Days to a Spirit-Led Life. He holds a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies and has earned degrees in engineering and business. Ryan has spent 20 years in Corporate America and has learned to stand for truth in a culture that is growing more and more hostile toward Christianity. He has worked with over 200 businesses across 21 countries. His experience ranges from strategy and business development to negotiating contracts and managing production lines. He has coached and mentored over 70 leaders in all regions of the world.
Ryan is a persuasive communicator who builds trust with authenticity and passion. He insightfully evaluates and analyzes current complex global events, geopolitics and culture from a biblical perspective. Ryan is also a Premium Ghostwriter and Business Mentor.
In 2023, Ryan was invited to pray privately with President Donald Trump along with a dozen other Iowa faith leaders. In 2020, Ryan was a Republican Candidate for the Iowa House of Representatives.
Ryan speaks and writes on culture, politics, work, theology and Christian living. Ryan lives in Florida with his wife Bruna and their son John.
The Project
The Big Idea
Your work is filled with meaning and purpose whether you see it today or not. God created you to work and He cares deeply about your work. You are not left alone to do everything by yourself. God and His resources, ideas and creativity are fully available to you.
We were created to have a seamless life with Christ; that means we can and should have a full integration of our spiritual life and our work.
The Goal
Our goal for this site is to simply help you connect your faith to your daily work, so that you can work with the fulfillment God designed you to have.
Sometimes it can be easy to know how we should think biblically about things, but knowing what that means for our work on a daily basis may not always be so clear. That is precisely where I want to help. I produce regular content that will help you to not only think biblically about work but also help you to know how to work practically on a daily basis.
Your Faith At Work will help you connect your faith to your daily work.
Whether you love your work or you are ready for something new, your work is filled with meaning and purpose. Nothing in your work is arbitrary. God has plans to use everything. Engage with this site and you will quickly begin to see that God is all around you in your work. God is waiting to partner with you. Are you ready to partner with Him?
What you can expect
Fresh content weekly to get practical in helping you partner with God. You will be challenged, your faith will grow and you will see God at work.
This weekly 5 min. podcast provides insights into how you can fulfill God’s purpose and calling through the work you are already doing every day.
live video
Follow us on social media to catch our regular live video feeds. We talk about living out our faith and current events in news and culture.
JUMP START your faith at work journey with this FREE video course. We call it a BOOT CAMP because it includes 5 short and intense videos!
equipped for work
We want to help you with everything involved in your day-to-day work. Let us know if you have topics you want to know more about!
We don't only talk about knowledge or theory. We want everything we teach to have practical outworking for you in the marketplace.
Frequently asked questions
God is a worker and you are made in His image. As we do excellent work, we put God’s nature on display every day. God wants to use your work to shape you, to shape people around you and to shape the culture around you.
Work exists to glorify God and to spread His Kingdom on earth. Jesus talked about the Kingdom of heaven as a spiritual kingdom. God uses our work to spread His culture and influence throughout the world.
It all starts with a relationship with Jesus Christ and a life fully committed to serving God. God has callings and assignments for everyone of us, including you. He has given you unique abilities and experiences that He will use for His glory. You can gain confidence in knowing you are fulfilling your assignment as you pursue your relationship with God and come closer to Him.
God has positioned you uniquely with your background and gifting. You can glorify God in a way that no one else can. You might be in your dream job or on your way to it, but God has a plan and provision for everything that will come to you in your work. It’s all about stewardship of what God has given to you.
Work is a major theme that runs throughout the Bible from the beginning of Genesis to the end of Revelation. God uses the work of His people to accomplish His will and expand His Kingdom’s culture and influence. Check out our FREE video course to learn more!