Episode #165
Teens Missions International answers the call to disciple youth and give them opportunities to serve in world missions. Reaching every content (except Antarctica), Teen Missions has grown to faithfully adapt to the Holy Spirit’s calling to serve the needs of international communities and launch a global discipleship operation.
01:26 | Introducing Curt Bitterman, Vice President of Teen Missions International
02:30 | We can serve the Lord at any age, the birth of Teen Missions International and the reality of training youth for mission work
05:50 | Transformational training, hands-on learning, and the spiritual power of bringing the shared ministry experience back home
12:02 | International collaboration and sustaining a global mission force, growth, multiplication, and practicality
20:00 | Building Christian schools in Africa and Indonesia, harnessing spiritual change, and plugging into the community
23:53 | Training for and providing for the needs of the people, where the spiritual meets the physical – miraculous healing and providence
31:30 | Changing lives with five-gallon buckets
33:27 | Training and utilizing Christians with a hunger beyond their teenage years, adult training, and how you can support and experience Teen Missions International
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