Your Sphere of Influence – Ep. 17

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This episode discusses how we all have a sphere of influence that God has given to us as a gift.

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On today’s episode, we’re going to talk about the sphere of influence that God has given to you.

You’re listening to Your Faith At Work with Dr. Ryan S. Howard, a podcast to inspire and equip you to partner with God in your daily work. Visit your to learn more and download your free copy of 21 Days to a New Workplace You.


We all have a sphere of influence, an area of influence, whatever you want to call it, a domain where we can influence the things around us.

Assigned Influence by God

Now, Paul talks about this in 2 Corinthians chapter 10, starting in verse 13. He talks about how God has assigned each one of us an area of influence. Now this could be your work. It could include all of your coworkers, your management, the people that may work for you, alongside you. Could be customers, clients, everybody you work with and certainly everybody in your family, and all your friends.

But it also includes the atmosphere and the circumstances that you find yourself in. The environment that you’re working in or that you’re just living in. Now, Paul talks about how he wanted his sphere of influence to increase and he wanted to do that so that he could extend God’s Kingdom there to bring God’s view on what’s happening, to share the Gospel there as well.

Increase and Use Your Influence

Wherever we are, whatever aspect of our sphere of influence we’re thinking about, even including social media. Paul talks about how he wants to increase that. And so we want to do the same and we want to speak God’s truth into whatever we’re doing to bring God’s perspective. To share the Gospel. Could be an encouraging word that you’re speaking to someone. Could be an opportunity arises for you to share the truth of God’s Word, what it says about a particular situation or a particular aspect, something that’s going on.

I want to encourage you just to think about it. Do you think about how you have influence?

No matter what. We want to influence that sphere. We don’t want to be influenced by that sphere in any sort of negative way. We want to be able to respond to what’s going on around us, but we want any influence on us to be filtered through what the Holy Spirit wants to do, especially when it comes to anything in the way of an attitude or something like that.

We want to be in control of that and the Lord, the Holy Spirit to be in control of that.

Reflect on Your Gift

So take some time to think about the sphere of influence that God has given to you as a gift, and think about how you’re using that and whether you’re being influenced by the things around you or whether you are doing the influencing.


Thanks for listening to Your Faith At Work with Dr. Ryan S. Howard, if you enjoyed this podcast, we’d love for you to subscribe, share, and leave us a review. Be sure to visit your to download your free copy of 21 Days to a New Workplace You. And remember, God wants to partner with you in your work every day.

Work Pitfalls to Avoid – Ep. 16

On this episode:

This episode discusses some of the pitfalls we need to avoid when it comes to our work.

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On this week’s episode, some potential pitfalls that we want to avoid when it comes to our faith at work.

You’re listening to Your Faith At Work with Dr. Ryan S. Howard, a podcast to inspire and equip you to partner with God in your daily work. Visit your to learn more and download your free copy of 21 Days to a New Workplace You.


Now at Your Faith At Work, we want to help you focus on your work the way God designed you to work. He created us to work and His image and we were created to work and engage with Him in our work and with this focus on work. However, there are simply potential pitfalls, some dangers that can come up that we want to make sure we’re aware of and that we avoid and we’re careful about.

In 1 Corinthians 10:31 it says, “…whatever you do, do all to the glory of God,” and that certainly includes our work. God wants to use your work for your benefit. He wants to use it to develop you. He wants to use it to expand His kingdom. He wants to use it to develop people around you to bring about His will and His influence and to bring He glory through your work.


Now this can’t be accomplished if work is not kept in its proper place. So what are a few of the pitfalls that we can have? Some potential dangers that can come through not having work in its right place? Well, one is that we can have a wrong motivation or a wrong approach to work. If our goal is just to get more, get more, get more, earn, earn, earn and it’s just to have more, that may not be the best motivation.

Now, if we have a wrong attitude and negative attitude or an “I deserve” attitude, a me kind of self-absorbed all about me and my work or that kind of mindset, that’s just about you. That’s also a pitfall that we could fall into and we want to make sure that’s not the case. While God certainly involves us in our work, it’s not about us.

Our work is about Him and about what He wants to do. And He wants us to serve Him, to serve others and to be a His representative to those around us and to bring Him into our work with us.

Another issue is overworking. You know, we can certainly work too much. We can spend too much time on our work. We can get that out of balance. A lot of times people think about work life balance, but really it’s more of a work life management, where it may be that we spend more time at work in one season of life. But we want to make sure we’re aware of that and that we’re aware of the potential issues with that and that we are conscious of it. And of course, we never want to sacrifice family or anything for the sake of work. God would not do that. God will keep everything in the right level to where we can work the way that God wants us to.

Now work can also become an idol where it becomes too important. It would just put it on this pedestal and that one job or that one a career or that one project or person. It is really going after it and focusing too much on that and not focusing on the Lord. Now certainly we can go after those things and God wants us to do that and to go hard after those things, but we have to have it in its right place. We need to pursue it with Christ in the middle of everything we’re doing and making sure that it’s about Him, which brings us to one final pitfall to talk about today.

Our identity must be in Christ. It cannot be in our work.

So do any of these potential pitfalls grab your attention this week. If they do, I want to encourage you to get alone with the Lord. Reflect on them, let Him work them out so that you can make sure that you are continuing to work with God the way He designed you to.


Thanks for listening to Your Faith At Work with Dr. Ryan S. Howard, if you enjoyed this podcast, we’d love for you to subscribe, share, and leave us a review. Be sure to visit your to download your free copy of 21 Days to a New Workplace You. And remember, God wants to partner with you in your work every day.

Are You Like Martha or Mary? – Ep. 15

On this episode:

This episode talks about the importance of prioritizing time alone with God.

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Is it better to be like Martha or Mary? Let’s talk about that. Have today’s episode.

You’re listening to Your Faith At Work with Dr. Ryan S. Howard, a podcast to inspire and equip you to partner with God in your daily work. Visit your to learn more and download your free copy of 21 Days to a New Workplace You.


Well, I’m sure that you have heard of the biblical story of Martha and Mary with Jesus where He’s in their house with them. And I want to start out just by reading that and talk about a few lessons. One key lesson that we can take from that today. This is in Luke chapter 10 starting in verse 38, it says, “Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house and she had a sister called Mary who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to His teaching. But Martha was distracted with much serving and she went up to Him and said, ‘Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.’ But the Lord answered her, ‘Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion which will not be taken away from her.’

What’s Jesus talking about? Well, she had an opportunity to sit at the feet of the Messiah, Jesus Christ and learn from Him. This was an incredible opportunity and she took advantage of it. Instead of being distracted with all the stuff that she needed to do like Martha was.

Be Like Mary

Well, obviously we want to be like Mary and prioritize our intimacy with Jesus. Our time alone carved out with the Lord. One of the things that I’ve really recognized is that in my walk with Christ, I can really tell a difference when carving that time out with the Lord is a priority in my life. Especially if I’m doing it in the morning, but if I’m doing it on a regular, consistent daily basis. Whether I’m reading the Bible, whether I’m journaling, whether I’m reading another book, whether I’m worshiping, whatever it is, fellowshipping with other believers as well.

But that time carved out alone with the Lord really sets everything up for just living out the way God planned us to live, to have what He wants us to have and to do what He wants us to do, go where He wants us to go.

I’ve noticed though, when I prioritize that and do that to start my day, everything else just seems to fall into place. That doesn’t mean everything goes perfect, but I certainly, I seem just more aware of my surroundings, more aware of what I need to be focused on, I feel like God is with me. I have clarity in the way that I’m walking and I feel I can sense God is there with me and guiding me when I prioritize that.

But when I don’t, I don’t have so much clarity with what I’m going to work on. There could be a thousand things I’m going to try and write about or record or talk about. I’m not sure which book I want to read, not your, this, that or that or the other thing, whatever it is, I just don’t have that kind of clarity.

But when I focus on that priority, prioritizing that time with Jesus, that time carved out with him, I get my priorities straight. I get what I need to work on. And like I said, everything just falls into place.

What About You?

So what about you? Are you more like Martha, where you gotta really just hurry and try and get everything done and just focus, focus on do, do, do? Or is your priority first to have that time alone with the Lord so that you can be set up to work on the right things at the right time and the right direction?

Well, I want to say that of course we’ve got to do things, but first needs to be the priority of our time alone with Jesus. So think about that this week and see how you can make sure you’re carving out that time, like Mary did, to be a disciple of Jesus and have that be the number one priority.


Thanks for listening to Your Faith At Work with Dr. Ryan S. Howard, if you enjoyed this podcast, we’d love for you to subscribe, share, and leave us a review. Be sure to visit your to download your free copy of 21 Days to a New Workplace You. And remember, God wants to partner with you in your work every day.

Now is the Time to be Bold – Ep. 14

On this episode:

This episode discusses the importance of boldness in the Christian life and how we can overcome shyness.

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Now is the time to be bold. Let’s talk about that on today’s episode.

You’re listening to Your Faith At Work with Dr. Ryan S. Howard, a podcast to inspire and equip you to partner with God in your daily work. Visit your to learn more and download your free copy of 21 Days to a New Workplace You.


God always commands His people to be bold for Him and for His cause. All throughout the Bible and all throughout history of Christianity, people have been bold and now is the time for us to be bold.

Did you know that there are more people turning to Christ today for their salvation and eternal life than any other time in history? And this is happening at a time when there is more persecution for Christians than in the last 2000 years.

Maybe not in America, but in many countries around the world where Christianity is growing exponentially. People are being saved, giving their lives to Christ in places that you would not expect. In Israel, in China, and in many Arab countries. In all of these places, people are turning to Christ. This obviously is not in the media. That’s not where we look to see what’s happening with the Gospel and where it’s growing. Sometimes it’s in there, but we also can’t look to the leadership of a nation particularly to see what’s going on with Christianity in that nation.

So we have no reason to not be bold in living out our faith today. People are being put in jail. People are being taken away from their families. People are being killed for their faith in Jesus Christ, and they’re walking in boldness and living it out every day. So there’s no reason we shouldn’t be able to do that in our work, especially now.

Reasons for No Boldness

What are some reasons that we wouldn’t want to be bold? Well, the first that comes to mind is perhaps there’s some compromise in our life, or something that we handle in a way that we’re a little shy to share about Christ. Because maybe we’re not representing him that well. Well then I would encourage you to deal with that.

If that’s the case, just get rid of it today. Today’s the day, tomorrow is the favorite day of the enemy. If it’s always tomorrow, it never comes. So we don’t want to wait till then. Deal with it right now.

The second one is maybe just a lack of familiarity. We walk in confidence with things that we’re familiar with. You get to know your job after some time there, then you’re more familiar. You’re more confident with it. And so I wanna just say that, if you’re not familiar and you’re not confident with maybe your knowledge of the scriptures or Christianity or doctrines, whatever it is, then just get familiar. Step out and God will show you in the right time what you need and maybe something’s coming to your mind right now that’s sort of a gap.

Well just take some steps to start moving forward with it and walk by faith with what you already know and God, when He sees that He can trust you with that, you’re going to get more and more and more and these opportunities will come up. So just take a step and get out there.

A third reason we would not be bold is maybe there’s social consequences. Perhaps looking bad or being made fun of or being worried about being cast out of a group or something like that. Well, our work and our life are not about us and are about Christ. We serve Him. If we really know Christ, we’ve given our life to Him. It’s about Him and what He wants to do.

Boldness Makes a Difference

This brings to mind a story of a friend of mine who was in the military. There was a group of people at this table and they asked him about something and he took a stand for Christ. Everybody kind of laughed and were saying, “whatever, get out of here.” And he just said, “okay, yep, see ya later, see ya around, I’m living for Christ now and that’s what I’m about.”

He didn’t let it phase him and over the next year, everyone at that table had come to him for something, one thing or another. Personal issues, something going on, questions about things that came up. Well, they knew they could trust him. So they came to him and he was able to help them out. And many of them came to know Christ through that.

If he hadn’t taken that original stand and been willing to put himself out there, none of that would’ve happened.

Your Boldness

So where do you need to be more bold today with your faith in Christ? Something in your work? Someone you need to talk to? Someone you need to pray with? Some issue you need to take a stand on? Maybe a public policy is something you want to get engaged with. Whatever’s on your heart, take a step now. Trust God and walk by faith. God is faithful and He will not let your boldness go to waste.


Thanks for listening to Your Faith At Work with Dr. Ryan S. Howard, if you enjoyed this podcast, we’d love for you to subscribe, share, and leave us a review. Be sure to visit your to download your free copy of 21 Days to a New Workplace You. And remember, God wants to partner with you in your work every day.

Take Extreme Ownership – Ep. 13

In This Episode:

This episode discusses the importance of taking real ownership of our responsibilities.

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On today’s episode, taking real ownership of the things you are responsible for.

You’re listening to Your Faith At Work with Dr. Ryan S. Howard, a podcast to inspire and equip you to partner with God in your daily work. Visit your to learn more and download your free copy of 21 Days to a New Workplace You.


Have you ever had a project or a goal or something that just didn’t seem to move forward? Could be because you haven’t given it attention or just seems too difficult, whether it’s at your work or your personal life? Well, I’ve certainly had this moments.

I think we all have these moments and the first significant time I can recall feeling this way was on my first engineering internship and during my mid summer review, my manager at the time told me that I needed to take ownership of what was my biggest project for the summer – for the three months I was going to be there. At first, I was insulted by the feedback. I thought, “how could he say that I wasn’t owning the project?” I was giving updates on it and talking to people about it and taking steps to move forward.

But the more I thought about it afterward, the more I could see that he was right.

Eyes Wide Open

Unconsciously, it didn’t really matter to me if the project succeeded or failed because I thought it was too complicated for an intern. Someone had said that to me. And I couldn’t see an obvious solution. So I kind of took a casual approach to it. But after he told me that I needed to take ownership, I could see that was exactly what I had been avoiding. Because if I didn’t take ownership of the project and it failed, I think my mind could believe that failure was outside my control and that there was nothing I could do about it. That’s a pretty sneaky trick.

The truth was that if I didn’t own it, the project would never have had a chance to be successful. So when I got more serious about ownership with that project, it opened my eyes to the steps I could take, people I could talk to and to the ideas I could try.

In the end it ended up being a successful project. I come back to that all the time since then.

From Excuses to Ownership

There may be impossible goals that your leadership has set or a very difficult relationship at work or even outside of work. And I’m certainly not perfect, but whenever I catch myself coming up with excuses, it’s a signal to me that there may be something I really need to take ownership of.

When you really own something, you go deeper into it. There’s a difference in approach. It unlocks ideas, creativity, passion gives you where you can move forward.

In the Bible, God prepared Queen Esther for a time when she would need to take a risk to accomplish what she needed to, and he was uniquely positioned for that. But if she didn’t take ownership of it, her nation would not have been saved. And after she took ownership and made the decision, then she got the strategy for how to move forward.

We can never be reminded of this too often. There’s a book called Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink. He’s a former navy seal commander. A very intense guy. And he says that “leaders must own everything in their world. There’s no one else to blame.”

Whether you lead people projects or initiatives, you know you’re a leader and if you don’t own it, then we’ll always have excuses that will stand in the way of success. And we need to take true responsibility for the results if we want to see them, whatever it is that we’re looking at.

God Has A Plan

God has a plan for each of us. He has a path, He’s designed it, He’s guiding us, shaping us, preparing us. And we always got to remember that we need to be faithful even in the little things. If we want God to use us for the big things, sometimes we understand every detail of it. And other times it seems like we know nothing and we need to learn how to trust God and to move forward.

Galatians 3:23 says that whatever we do, what to do it with our whole heart and to do it as those for the Lord and not for man.

So what is it that you need to take ownership of? Whatever it is that you’re feeling convicted of right now, bigger, small. Take real ownership of it this week and see what God will do with it.


Thanks for listening to Your Faith At Work with Dr. Ryan S. Howard, if you enjoyed this podcast, we’d love for you to subscribe, share, and leave us a review. Be sure to visit your to download your free copy of 21 Days to a New Workplace You. And remember, God wants to partner with you in your work every day.

How to Handle Your Mistakes – Ep. 12

In This Episode:

This episode discusses the power we can find in taking responsibility for our mistakes.

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On today’s episode, the power in admitting when you’ve made a mistake.

You’re listening to Your Faith At Work with Dr. Ryan S. Howard, a podcast to inspire and equip you to partner with God in your daily work. Visit your to learn more and download your free copy of 21 Days to a New Workplace You.


How do you normally handle it when you realize you’ve made a mistake? Does it depend on who the mistake was with or maybe what it was about? Maybe there was something that you weren’t successful in but it doesn’t really feel like it was your fault. How do you handle that? Do you have a consistent way to handle it?

Well, thinking about that, there’s several ways we can do it. We can deny it when it comes up or we can avoid it. Just kind of trying to skirt around the issue. Or we can make excuses. Come up with reasons why it happened. We say, “it wasn’t really my fault, but it did happen. So yeah, I’ll admit that it happened; I failed, but well there was really nothing I could do about it.”

Well, I want to point out that there’s another option, which is to take responsibility to take ownership for what happened.

There’s a quote from John C. Maxwell that I just love when it comes to this topic. He says, “it’s easier to go from failure to success then from excuses to success.” This is an incredible quote. It just really sums it up.

Why is that though? Well, when we stop making excuses, we can see clearly, we take responsibility. We can see where we really fell short and our mind is opened up to more creative thinking and just more open to seeing what actually happened. What could we actually have done different? Now, maybe there is a legitimate reason that’s outside of our control, but that’s not going to make us look more credible or better when we’re giving that reason. I mean, of course there’s a way we can point that out so that it doesn’t appear as though we’re blaming that. But we still need to really take responsibility.

Two Different Approaches

So think about this. If you have a boss or an employee, someone else you’re working with , a coworker, and you know they’re wrong. You know they made the mistake and you know the reasons and excuses they’re giving are just not legitimate, but they keep giving it and they keep harping it and they won’t let it go.

I mean, how do you see them? How childish does that look and how immature does that look? Now imagine if that same person just took responsibility for the mistake that they made and they just said, “you know what? I made a mistake. I shouldn’t have done that.” And then they moved forward.

How do you feel toward them? Does it soften your attitude toward them? Maybe make you even be kind of sympathetic or just appreciate that. No matter who it is, it immediately softens us toward them. So which way do you want to feel when you make a mistake or when something doesn’t go right? Or you don’t have success the way you wanted it.

Listen to Your Conviction

I want to say, listen to your conviction, you’ll know in your heart what you need to do. That’s what we want to do with our faith at work. We want to learn how to listen to the Holy Spirit. What’s He convicting us to say? What does He want us to do? What step does He want us to take with this? God can use it to move us forward, but we need to take responsibility. We need to take ownership. We need to be mature. We need to have emotional intelligence and see it as an opportunity to learn.

When you admit a mistake, it adds to your credibility. That’s what I’ve seen my whole career and inside and outside of my work. It boosts morale, it builds trust, and it sets the standard for how you want to operate, how you want others to interact with you.

Let God Work

We’re not at work to impress people. We’re here to please the Lord and do what He has for us. When we let our pride get in the way, we can’t see clearly to move forward. That needs to be crushed in us. And when that’s done and dealt with, then God can move. He can do what He wants to accomplish through us in our work. God can use everything for our good.

To be clear, I’m not saying that we should be careless and not be concerned with mistakes. We should do what we need to to avoid them, but when they do come up, when we do have them, we need to let God use the opportunity to our advantage. We need to humble ourselves and move forward as the example that we want to be.

So the next time a mistake happens, take responsibility. Humble yourself, take ownership and let the opportunity work for you.


Thanks for listening to Your Faith At Work with Dr. Ryan S. Howard, if you enjoyed this podcast, we’d love for you to subscribe, share, and leave us a review. Be sure to visit your to download your free copy of 21 Days to a New Workplace You. And remember, God wants to partner with you in your work every day.

When You’re Not Appreciated – Ep. 11

In This Episode:

This episode discusses how to handle times when we are not appreciated or recognized for the work that we do.

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On today’s episode, what to do when you’re not appreciated in your work.

You’re listening to Your Faith At Work with Dr. Ryan S. Howard, a podcast to inspire and equip you to partner with God in your daily work. Visit your to learn more and download your free copy of 21 Days to a New Workplace You.


I’m sure that you’ve had a time in your life or in your work where you were not recognized for something you had done or people didn’t appreciate what you had done.

Jesus and the Lepers

This reminds me of the time when Jesus healed the 10 lepers. This is in Luke 17 starting in verse 11. He healed the 10 lepers. He told them to go to the priests and they’d be cleansed and they were, all of them were healed. But only one of them came back to praise Him and to thank Him for what He had done in verse 16.

Now the other nine, their lack of appreciation didn’t distract Jesus from his mission. It didn’t make Him regret what He had done. It didn’t make Him change Him mind or Him approach on anything. It didn’t phase Him at all with what He was there to do. His mission wasn’t to get the praise and recognition of others. Of course not.

There are times in our work when we certainly don’t feel appreciated or recognized. It may happen all the time to some of us. It could come through criticism or ripping on a little piece of something that you have done or a small piece of feedback that overshadows the rest of everything you’ve done that’s been great.

Stolen Recognition

Well, I remember a time when someone actually took credit for something that I had done in an effort that I had led. They were congratulated in notice sent out to a big organization and they didn’t redirect the praise where it should have gone. Which would have been to a team and me that had done the actual work.

I was pretty angry with this for what had happened and I couldn’t think of a good way to bring it up without looking bad and just having it not go the way I wanted it to. So I just decided to let it go. Well, God saw the kind of work I did. He knew He could trust me to give my best. But the thought did cross my mind that, well, maybe I shouldn’t even do this work if it’s not going to be appreciated.

True Motivation

Well, that made me reflect on my true motivation. Just like Jesus wasn’t phased by the lack of recognition, I didn’t want to be phased by that either. So when these things come up, it’s in these situations that God can use it. It’s what happens internally inside of us that matters and what he cares about.

The key is to not get discouraged. It may surface things that we don’t like about ourselves. That’s natural. That’s okay, but we need to run to Christ as soon as we see it. We need to give it to the Lord and we need to learn to lean on Him and let our confidence in our identity be built up in Him.

What Work is Really About

Our work is about God. It’s not about us. So in these kinds of times we can think about what God might want to do in a situation and how He wants to work on us. Your reward is with the Lord and Him seeing what you’re doing and knowing that you’re giving your best. Our reward is not from people or from the recognition of others.

So the next time you don’t get recognized or you feel unappreciated, remember Colossians 3:23, that we are to work with our whole heart and we work for the Lord and not for man.


Thanks for listening to Your Faith At Work with Dr. Ryan S. Howard, if you enjoyed this podcast, we’d love for you to subscribe, share, and leave us a review. Be sure to visit your to download your free copy of 21 Days to a New Workplace You. And remember, God wants to partner with you in your work every day.

What is Faith? – Ep. 10

In This Episode:

This episode discusses what biblical faith really is and how we can walk forward by faith in our daily work.

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On today’s episode, we’re going to talk about what biblical faith really is.

You’re listening to Your Faith At Work with Dr. Ryan S. Howard, a podcast to inspire and equip you to partner with God in your daily work. Visit your To learn more and download your free copy of 21 Days to a New Workplace You.


When it comes to your faith at work, there is an obvious term that we want to be crystal clear on the meaning of, which is faith. So today we want to talk a little bit about that, what it means, and how we can walk forward with faith and what God can do with that faith. Now to start off faith is really just trust or confidence. It’s assurance of something, a conviction that it’s true. This is from the Greek word pistis is the noun form in the new testament that’s used over 240 times. This is just confidence or trust in something or someone, the Lord, and everybody has faith in something. We have faith or trust in a doctor that we go to see, we have faith or trust in a chair that we’re going to sit in that is going to hold us up.

This is sort of a practical faith, but what are we as Christians called to have faith in? While there’s a supernatural faith that as Christ followers, we’re called to have faith in God and His abilities, what He can do. We serve a God that created the universe out of nothing. He created everything and He knows what’s coming at us. An example I like to give is a kid jumping in a swimming pool. Now the kid is looking around, may not know how to swim, but the dad is saying, “jump in the pool, I’ll catch you.” And the kid may be scared, doesn’t know what’s going to happen, but he trusts his dad, so he decides to jump in the pool in the dead, catches him and everything is great. And the more he does that, the more he’ll trust his dad and what his dad says and it goes from there.

It’s the same with us. We trust in the Lord and the more we step out, the more we trust Him and the more we get to know Him. God is all knowing. God is everywhere. He’s outside space and time. He knows the future. He has a plan for you and for me. There’s no reason we can’t trust God with everything, but there’s two points I want to make here. Number one, the kid ignored his circumstances. He looked around and he was scared, but he still stepped out because he trusted his father and he took action. He didn’t just trust him and then walk away knowing that he actually jumped. He actually jumped into the water for his dad to catch him. And it’s the same for us. We need to walk forward with confidence and what we believe about God and His word and what He says about us, regardless of the circumstances around us.

God is with us, no matter what we’re doing. But we need to take action. We need to actually jump into the pool. We need to actually go forward with it. So faith comes from God. Ephesians 2:8-9 says that, and we have faith in Jesus Christ for our salvation, and we have faith to trust God for the promises. We can look at Hebrews 11 which is called the hall of faith. It gives an incredible summary of the lives of great men and women in the Bible that experienced outstanding victories. They were willing to walk forward by faith. Noah, there was no rain, but he trusted God would send the rain, so he built the Ark. Abraham and his wife were very old, but they trusted what God said, that they would have a child and make many nations from them.

Esther risked her life to save her nation. She was called to do that. And Moses left Egypt without a map. And then they ended up coming to the Red Sea and God split the Red Sea. So they walked forward in faith and trusting in the God that they served.

So what about us today? What about your work?

Do you trust God that He has a plan for you and your life and your work? Do you trust Him with to use everything for your good? There are a lot of difficulties that come up in our work and can we trust Him with that? Of course we can, but we need to be able to walk forward. We know that trust is there. We need to walk forward in faith. So take some time this week to reflect on the One that we have faith in. Pray. Ask him to grow your faith. Read the testimonies in the Bible to grow your faith and know that you can walk forward in boldness and faith in the God we serve.


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Small Change, Big Results – Ep. 9

In This Episode:

This episode discusses why we should use small changes and how they can lead to big results.

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On today’s episode, how you can use small changes to get big results.

You’re listening to Your Faith At Work with Dr. Ryan S. Howard, a podcast to inspire and equip you to partner with God in your daily work. Visit your to learn more and download your free copy of 21 Days to a New Workplace You.


If you’re anything like me, you’ve had times in your life where you’ve had this big motivation to have this big change and you’re going to get these big results. Maybe, for example, you decided that you wanted to start exercising or you want to read a book a week. So you commit to it and you start doing really well out of the gate and then you miss a day or you don’t feel particularly motivated and somehow it starts to back off achieving that and then all of a sudden it’s been a week or two and where did that go? And you forget about it and move on.

I want to suggest that instead of thinking about these big changes, it’s better to think about a small change. What little tweak can you make?

Small Changes in Golf

If you’re a golfer, you will understand this a little better, but it’s simple. If you look at a golf swing and where the ball goes, whether it goes straight down the fairway or it goes way off to the side, it’s just a little difference. It could be in the grip of the club, it could be in the club head position, but just a tiny little angle difference or the ball position by less than an inch can make the ball go different places, hundreds of yards down the fairway. Off to the right, left or wherever it is. It doesn’t take a lot of change.

The Key to Small Change

It’s the same when it comes to other stuff in our life that we want to have big results from. We need to make small tweaks, small changes. So one of the keys to being able to do this consistently is to have the change that you’re trying to make be Small enough so that you won’t have mental resistance to it.

It won’t be something you’ll want to avoid or it won’t be something that you need to be especially motivated for. It won’t be reliant on you having the willpower in the moment. It’s something small enough to where you’ll just do it with no resistance

The goal is consistency and making it a habit. For example, if you you want to read more, you can just read one page a night before you go to sleep. That’s only a couple of minutes for one page at night. Or if you want to drink water, just start by drinking water when you get up in the morning and before you go to bed.

The idea is to just start small.

A Challenge in Two Areas

There are two areas in particular that I want to challenge you in with your faith at work. A challenge to make small changes. One area is reading the Bible and the other is prayer.

If you already read the Bible every day, that’s great and perhaps you can just think about what you can do to enhance that. And if you already pray every day or at least do pray consistently think about what you can do to enhance that also.

Reading the Bible

If you’re not particularly consistent with these, I want to challenge you to find a small change you can make to get in the word of God every day. Whether it’s reading just one chapter, or a Proverb, or to read the Bible until you get to a verse that stands out to you and God speaks to you. You can even use an audio Bible.

Whatever it is, what can you commit to that you can be mindful of and not have so much resistance to? It’s just something that you can easily step into daily? The idea is that you would grow from there, but you have to get started and get consistency. You can leverage small change to do that.

Prayer – Conversation with God

The other area that I want to really challenge you in is prayer. If you’re not praying, can you pray for one minute? Prayer is conversation with God. Get get alone with Him and just pray with Him. Have conversation with him and invite Him into your work. Ask for His favor. Ask for Him to be with you and go with you throughout your day. Ask for Him to speak to you throughout the day. Just spend one minute at least and start there.

Make the Change and Build Habits

The goal is to build these habits. These will be central to your faith at work and to integrating God into your work. Central in partnering with Him in the workplace.

Is God bringing anything to your mind right now where you can seek to make a small change? Make that change this week and watch for the big results that God will bring.


Thanks for listening to Your Faith At Work with Dr. Ryan S. Howard, if you enjoyed this podcast, we’d love for you to subscribe, share, and leave us a review. Be sure to visit your to download your free copy of 21 Days to a New Workplace You and remember, God wants to partner with you in your work every day.

4 Lessons from Peter Walking on Water

The Apostle Peter was a man who stumbled, but never failed to follow Jesus. His life was filled with many lessons that can encourage us today and give us hope for our own walk with Christ.

This post will consider 4 specific lessons we can learn from when he walked on water with Jesus in Matthew 14:25-31.

Lesson 1. Peter had great faith

Peter wanted to take the risk. He wanted to walk on the water – it was his idea (Matt. 14:28). He stepped out in faith when Jesus told him to, even though it didn’t make sense to his natural understanding.

What about you? Where do you need to step out in faith? No matter how hard Peter thought about it, he couldn’t have come up with a way that he could walk on water. Sometimes we need to take the step God is calling us to before we can see how it will unfold.

Where are you staying safe in the boat instead of stepping out in faith onto the water?

Lesson 2. Peter’s doubt came from his natural eyes

Peter doubted when he looked at his surroundings and took his eyes off Jesus. It can be far too easy to take our eyes off Jesus and to become consumed with our circumstances.

When we only look at what is around us, we can’t see things the way God sees them. When Peter looked at his surroundings, his faith withered and he began to sink. The same happens with us today. When we keep our eyes on God, we can walk by faith.

What about you? Is there a situation that makes it easy to take your eyes off Christ? The first step is to recognize it and give God time to give you His perspective on things.

Remember, it’s always about Him and His desire to make you more like Christ. He will use it to build His Kingdom and spread His influence.

We may not always see how, so we need to trust Christ. That is what it means to walk by faith.

Lesson 3. Peter turned to Jesus when he started to sink

When Peter sank (failed), he turned to Jesus, not back to the boat (his old way). When we encounter problems, it can be easy to just focus on the situation in front of us or on how our natural self may want to handle something.

When Peter realized what was happening, he reached out to Jesus in desperation. Jesus saved him and He desires to do the same today.

We are safe when we reach out to Jesus for help, but it doesn’t mean everything will be easy or that there will be no problems.

What about you? Where do you need to turn back to Christ for help? Don’t waste time thinking you need to fix something before you turn to Him. Reach out and grab for His hand  – He is ready and waiting for you.

Lesson 4. Jesus helped Peter immediately

Jesus didn’t leave Peter to fend for himself and figure out how to get out of the situation caused by his doubt. When Peter asked Jesus to save him, Jesus immediately reached out His hand and caught him (Matt. 14:31) and will do the same for us today.

Jesus also gave Peter an aspiration when He asked him, “why do you doubt?” (Matt. 14:31). The simplicity of this question from Jesus makes it clear just how unnecessary Peter’s doubt was.

What about you? Where do you doubt? Where can you reach your hand out to Jesus? Just turn to Him and He will help you immediately.

Summing it up

Peter is a great example for us today. He wasn’t perfect and failed more than once, but he always followed Christ. He didn’t let his own shortcomings get in the way or slow him down.

We would do well to walk in the boldness and faith that Peter had. How can you do that today?