In This Episode:
This episode discusses what biblical faith really is and how we can walk forward by faith in our daily work.
Episode Transcript:
On today’s episode, we’re going to talk about what biblical faith really is.
You’re listening to Your Faith At Work with Dr. Ryan S. Howard, a podcast to inspire and equip you to partner with God in your daily work. Visit your YourFaithAtWork.org To learn more and download your free copy of 21 Days to a New Workplace You.
When it comes to your faith at work, there is an obvious term that we want to be crystal clear on the meaning of, which is faith. So today we want to talk a little bit about that, what it means, and how we can walk forward with faith and what God can do with that faith. Now to start off faith is really just trust or confidence. It’s assurance of something, a conviction that it’s true. This is from the Greek word pistis is the noun form in the new testament that’s used over 240 times. This is just confidence or trust in something or someone, the Lord, and everybody has faith in something. We have faith or trust in a doctor that we go to see, we have faith or trust in a chair that we’re going to sit in that is going to hold us up.
This is sort of a practical faith, but what are we as Christians called to have faith in? While there’s a supernatural faith that as Christ followers, we’re called to have faith in God and His abilities, what He can do. We serve a God that created the universe out of nothing. He created everything and He knows what’s coming at us. An example I like to give is a kid jumping in a swimming pool. Now the kid is looking around, may not know how to swim, but the dad is saying, “jump in the pool, I’ll catch you.” And the kid may be scared, doesn’t know what’s going to happen, but he trusts his dad, so he decides to jump in the pool in the dead, catches him and everything is great. And the more he does that, the more he’ll trust his dad and what his dad says and it goes from there.
It’s the same with us. We trust in the Lord and the more we step out, the more we trust Him and the more we get to know Him. God is all knowing. God is everywhere. He’s outside space and time. He knows the future. He has a plan for you and for me. There’s no reason we can’t trust God with everything, but there’s two points I want to make here. Number one, the kid ignored his circumstances. He looked around and he was scared, but he still stepped out because he trusted his father and he took action. He didn’t just trust him and then walk away knowing that he actually jumped. He actually jumped into the water for his dad to catch him. And it’s the same for us. We need to walk forward with confidence and what we believe about God and His word and what He says about us, regardless of the circumstances around us.
God is with us, no matter what we’re doing. But we need to take action. We need to actually jump into the pool. We need to actually go forward with it. So faith comes from God. Ephesians 2:8-9 says that, and we have faith in Jesus Christ for our salvation, and we have faith to trust God for the promises. We can look at Hebrews 11 which is called the hall of faith. It gives an incredible summary of the lives of great men and women in the Bible that experienced outstanding victories. They were willing to walk forward by faith. Noah, there was no rain, but he trusted God would send the rain, so he built the Ark. Abraham and his wife were very old, but they trusted what God said, that they would have a child and make many nations from them.
Esther risked her life to save her nation. She was called to do that. And Moses left Egypt without a map. And then they ended up coming to the Red Sea and God split the Red Sea. So they walked forward in faith and trusting in the God that they served.
So what about us today? What about your work?
Do you trust God that He has a plan for you and your life and your work? Do you trust Him with to use everything for your good? There are a lot of difficulties that come up in our work and can we trust Him with that? Of course we can, but we need to be able to walk forward. We know that trust is there. We need to walk forward in faith. So take some time this week to reflect on the One that we have faith in. Pray. Ask him to grow your faith. Read the testimonies in the Bible to grow your faith and know that you can walk forward in boldness and faith in the God we serve.
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