On this episode:
This episode discusses how to have confidence that you are doing what God has called you to do.
Episode Transcript
On this episode, we’re talking about God’s divine calling on your life.
You’re listening to Your Faith At Work with Dr. Ryan S. Howard, a podcast to inspire and equip you to partner with God in your daily work. Visit your YourFaithAtWork.org to learn more and download your free copy of 21 Days to a New Workplace You.
Well, we all want to have confidence that we are doing the work that God wants us to be doing. That we we are working on and doing the activities and what God wants us to be working on. And I want to talk a little bit about that today and just out of the gate, ultimately that’s between you and the Lord. That’s something for you to work out.
But I want to talk about a few things that can help you grow in your confidence that you are doing what God has called you to do. Now, what comes to mind when you hear that? The idea of a calling, maybe a pastor or a missionary? Are those the only types of callings there are? Well, when we look at the Bible, we see there is many other kinds of callings.
What is a Calling?
So let’s first just what’s the definition of a calling?
Well, it’s God’s summoning of a person to Himself so that they will belong to Him and serve Him in this world. That’s pretty simple. Well, we all can serve God.
This calling of a believer can involve a specific place, a task, or a specific vocation in life. Now, 1 Corinthians 7:17 says, “only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him and to which God has called him.”
Did you hear that? Each person. The Lord has assigned. God has called. That’s everybody. That includes you. And what does that mean? It means it’s a divine call. So you have a divine call on your life.
Types of Callings
Now we are all called as primary calling is to relationship with Jesus Christ. And when we’re indwelled with the Holy Spirit, we have these secondary callings. Could be, like I said, an activity, task or a place that we need to go that God has appointed for us to pursue.
We have extreme ones like Noah building the Ark or Moses leading the Israelites, or Esther being called to be a queen and risk her life to save her people.
But we also have more simple ones like in 2 Kings 5 where the young Israel girl gives advice that leads to the healing of Naaman’s leprosy. Or 1 Kings 17 the widow of Zarephath that cooked a simple meal for the prophet Elijah, and it ended up leading to a miracle that saved her and her family.
Occupation as a Calling
Well, we all can have a vocation. It’s a primary occupation. So, something you’re doing now, you have been called to do that now. It may not be your only calling. It may not be where you’re going to stay.
You know, Joseph had many different callings in his life. He was a household steward. He ran a prison while he was in the prison, and then he became second over the land of Egypt in governing the land.
Well, God called him to these things and he served God right where he was, and he did his best work and he worked and partnered together with God.
Your Calling Today
So have you thought about what you’re involved in today as a calling? Well, God has certainly summoned you to work together with Him and to be in service to Him in this world and we can do that every day.
But we want to make sure we’re seeing ourselves as being called by God and then we can take it seriously and we know that our work and whatever we’re doing is not about us. It’s about God and what He wants to accomplish. And He certainly wants to be together with us in that.
So if we can stay close to the Lord in fellowship and follow His direction, we can have confidence that we are doing what He wants us to be doing.
God Has Called You
So whether you love what you’re doing or you’re on your way to something that you love doing, take some time this week to think about how God has called you, how God has summoned you to serve Him wherever you are.
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