On this episode:
This episode discusses reflecting on the past and preparing for the future in 2020 to help you have your best year yet.
Episode Transcript
On this episode, we’re talking about your vision for 2020
You’re listening to Your Faith At Work with Dr. Ryan S. Howard, a podcast to inspire and equip you to partner with God in your daily work. Visit your YourFaithAtWork.org to learn more and download your free copy of 21 Days to a New Workplace You.
Proverbs 29 18 says, “where there is no vision, the people perish. That certainly highlights the importance of having a vision.
I want to encourage you, as we come to the end of this year and coming to a new year, it is a great time to take some time and reflect on what’s past and look forward to what’s coming next.
Reflecting on the Last Year
If we want to develop our vision, that reflection on the past is important and I want to encourage you to take some time to just think through how did the last year ago? Did you have the kind of relationships that you wanted to have? Were you the kind of person you wanted to be? Did you accomplish what you wanted to in your work? Or maybe outside of your work? Did you spend the time alone with God? Did you spend time in His word? Did you volunteer the way you wanted to? All of these sorts of things.
Just thinking through, not to be overwhelming but to just think, how did it go? Take time to think about it and let God speak to you and highlight to you what you want to adjust for next year or what went really well and you want to continue for next year.
Desires for Next Year
So as you take time to think about the last year, you can start to develop what do you want the next year to look like and what kind of goals that you want to have. What you want to accomplish in the next year and the type of person you want to be. Maybe relationships, like I mentioned these things before.
Is there anything you want to adjust going into next year?
Two Keys to Success in 2020
Now there’s a couple things I want to really encourage you to highlight that I think are very important for you to have a successful year. And they’re important for me to have success for years, for all of us.
First is to be intentional with your time. That’s something that God’s really been highlighting to me. We’ve got time to do everything that God wants us to do and we’ve got the resources to do everything that God wants us to do. We’ve got the gifting, the talents, the abilities, the connections, everything.
The second is to focus on your relationship with Jesus. Everything we do with your faith at work, everything we do in life is based on a foundation of our relationship with Jesus Christ.
The way we can do that is to really carve out time to be alone with him and whether we’re taking time to think, reading the Bible, reading books, watching messages, journaling, worshiping, fellowship with other believers, your family, your spouse, these sorts of things.
And as you spend time to hear God’s voice and spend time alone with Him, His voice will become more familiar to you and you will be able to live closer to Him throughout the next year and it, and it can be the best year yet.
Best Year Yet
Let’s make this year the year where you are more close to Christ than you’ve ever been before and more intentional about your time and your work. And everything you’re doing with Him and partnering with God in your work and everything that you’re doing.
If people don’t keep the vision in front of them, they often just return to their past and the old habits. And I want to encourage you, if you have a setback, just treat it like a distraction and get back to your vision and just get right back on track right. Back after it and developing the new habits and the new things that you want to do.
Take the Time to Reflect
So take some time to reflect and what you want to accomplish in the next year and what your vision is going to be and keep that in front of you. And we can have the best year yet.
Thanks for listening to Your Faith At Work with Dr. Ryan S. Howard, if you enjoyed this podcast, we’d love for you to subscribe, share, and leave us a review. Be sure to visit your YourFaithAtWork.org to download your free copy of 21 Days to a New Workplace You. And remember, God wants to partner with you in your work every day.