In this Episode:
This episode discusses the physiological connection between what we believe and what we experience.
Episode Transcript:
On today’s episode, the importance of what you believe.
You’re listening to Your Faith At Work with Dr. Ryan S. Howard, a podcast to inspire and equip you to partner with God in your daily work. Visit your YourFaithAtWork.org to learn more and download your free copy of 21 Days to a New Workplace You.
Do you actually believe that God cares about your work? That your work matters? That your work has purpose and that God really wants to partner with you in your work?
Why is this so important? The Bible gives us directions on what we should believe. Of course we want to walk according to that. walk by the spirit and not by the flesh. The Bible has a lot to say about this topic, but today I want to give some physiological support.
Your Brain Can Help You
There’s a part of the brain called the RAS, the Reticular Activating System. This is back by the brain stem and it’s the part of a brain that has two functions. The first is that it wakes you up and the second is that it filters information from your unconscious mind into your conscious thinking. It does that based on your intention, based on what you’re doing, what you believe, and what you’re thinking about.
It’s basically filtering evidence for whatever you believe about yourself or whatever you believe about a situation. For example, if you believe that God doesn’t care about your work and your work doesn’t matter, your own brain is going to filter information and evidence from your subconscious thinking into your mind to give you evidence that you’re right. It’s wrong but if you’re thinking that way and believing that way, then that’s what you’re going to get. That’s what you’re going to be thinking about that’s coming into your mind.
On the other hand, if you think that your work matters to God and that He cares deeply about the minute little details of everything that’s going on and that nothing is arbitrary, your brain is going to help you with that. It’s going support you and filter through evidence that shows you that that’s true.
After we come into a relationship with Jesus Christ, believing correctly about our work and believing that God wants to partner with us in our work really is the entry point into connecting your faith to your daily work. To actually living out the design and the purpose and the calling that God has for you on your life, especially as related to your work.
It’s not just about this positive thinking as only thing. This is feeding our mind on in our beliefs on what is right, what is good, and what is righteous. What is the Bible is telling us to do? To set our mind on things above. Then we let our brain, the way God designed it, to work for us and help us in that. The way God designed us to work. That’s incredible.
Always Be Looking
Another thing that you can do to ensure that you’re living out this connection of your faith and your work is to always be looking for things that support that God is in your work.
God is all around you in your work. His hand is everywhere. He has a plan for you. He has a plan for others in your work around you. He knows what’s going on in their lives. He knows what’s going on in your life. He knows the difficulties with the projects and the people you’re working with.
Always be looking and you will be shocked at what He can show you and what you will see that He’s doing. The answers and the solutions and the next steps that He has for you.
So as you go throughout your day-to-day and this week, make sure that you see yourself as someone who partners with God and always be looking for God’s hand around you in your daily work.
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