3 Truths About Unborn Babies

Truth #1: There’s Only One Question That Matters

The One Question: Is the unborn baby a human life?

  • If it is not a human life, then no justification to destroy it is needed.
  • If it is a human life, then no justification to destroy it is sufficient.

Truth #2: Unborn Baby = Undeniably Human Life

Scientifically human: The scientific conclusion that human life begins at conception (sperm-egg fusion) is uncontested. Two criteria for distinguishing one cell type from another are: composition and behavior. At conception, a baby has unique cells, proteins, RNA and DNA with interdependent organized functions. It is fully human, not partially human. 

Biblically human: Jesus was recognized as the Messiah while still in the womb.

Philosophically human: The only differences between an unborn baby and a one-day old baby is location and age. The difference between a one-day old baby and a 5-year old child is age.

Truth #3: Every Human Life Has Value

  • No one would argue for destroying the life of an adult or child who was conceived in rape or incest, or was no longer wanted, or was inconvenient.
  • No one would argue the same when that adult was a child.
  • There is no difference in value for a person before they are born.


We Must Protect Pre-Born Life with a Constitutional Amendment:

  • Slavery was abolished by a Constitutional Amendment.
  • Women were given the right to vote with a Constitutional Amendment.
  • The views of the majority did not matter because they were human rights issues.

There were no exceptions.

3 Miraculous Reminders About Jesus this Christmas

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Reminder #1: The Birth of Jesus Was Prophesied Hundreds of Years in Advance

The Bible includes over 300 prophecies about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, from Genesis to Revelation. 

There are 12 prophecies just about the birth of Christ, including where He would be born, how He would be born and that He would be born of a virgin. 

Reminder #2: Christ’s Death and Resurrection Opened the Door for Us to Know God

All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Thankfully, we have the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that paid for our sins. We need only to repent and submit to Him as Savior and Lord. We can then begin our new eternal life with Jesus as a new creation. 

Reminder #3: The Entire Bible is a Picture Book of Jesus

Just like the front of a puzzle box makes the individual pieces clear, Jesus brings the entire Bible together.

Jesus is the savior of humanity, just as the Ark was with Noah. Jesus is the Mediator of the New Covenant, as Moses was the mediator of the Old Covenant. These and so many more all point to Jesus.


In a culture of consumerism, we must work to keep Jesus at the center of everything we do, especially during this time of year. 

Jesus is the reason for the season and we should take great joy not in all the presents, but in the gift of Jesus’ presence.


Tech Censorship is Communism | What We Must Do Now

Tech censorship is communism. China Does it and we see it happening in the US. We have seen government working together with non-government entities to direct their censorship. 

This is exactly what happens in China. In an interview I did with Kay Rubacek, she tells all about the training that every single journalist in China goes through. She explained how they are taught what they can say and what they cannot say. They are all literally turned into the propaganda arm of the Chinese Communist Party, the CCP. 

We also have viewpoint discrimination, which is another issue all together. One could argue that since social media companies are private companies (not government entities), they can do what they want. To some degree that is true, however 

Another issue is the difference between platform and publisher. A platform is like a stage, where people can come to say what they want. But the stage has no liability for anything that is said, whether it was true, not true, slander or any other issues that come with public speech. This is how social media platforms are supposed to be operating. But instead, we see them operating as publishers.

A publisher has editorial control over the content, like a newspaper, book publisher, magazine, news website, and even podcasts like mine. Publishers choose what gets published and what doesn’t. They have editorial control and along with editorial control comes liability. 

Publishers are accountable for everything they publish. That means they can be taken to court to be held legally liable for any false claim, such as slander or libel. 

What we see happening today is that the social media companies, who are supposed to be platforms like a stage, are acting like publishers with editorial control. That means the freedom from liability should not exist. They are operating with the best of both worlds: liability protection of a platform and the editorial control of a publisher.

But how can this be? 

It is because of the blurred lines in Section 230 of the Communications Act. It is utterly absurd and must be corrected.

Lawmakers continue to stand by while the issue goes on unaddressed. It is not a complicated issue. It is quite simple. Are they a publisher or a platform?

They are clearly acting like publishers, when they talk about censoring speech, especially on behalf of government. When they talk about stopping misinformation, it is no different than the Chinese Communist Party doing the same. 

But even if a social media company acts on their own to censor speech, without government influence, they are still acting as an publisher, with editorial control. Which means they should be held legally liable for any missteps. 

That means if someone is de-platformed because of supposed mis-information they shared, but the information was later found to be correct, that individual could bring a lawsuit against the social media company for lost earnings, reputation damage, and so on. 

One approach that would future proof any new platforms and developments is a Digital Bill of Rights. That would include critical issues today like speech and privacy. Although laws are starting to form, there are massive gaps in the law today that allow companies to exploit people’s private information without their expressed consent. 

Today social media companies can remove people, posts and videos simply because they don’t like what they have to say. Twitter removed President Donald Trump while terrorist groups like ISIS continue to have accounts. How insane.

The right legal environment would allow citizens to bring legal action against social media companies who wrongfully de-platformed or de-monetized them.

Today many make their living through monetization via social media platforms. Of course, social media platforms make money when people use their platform. And when influencers bring big followings, it means even more money for the platform. 

The time has come. The gig is up. The one-sided legal setup must go. 

Platforms must either operate as a platform or be recategorized as publishers and bare the legal consequences.

5 Steps to Keep Your Cup Full

Episode #121

This episode will give you 5 simple steps you can take to get full and stay full so you can be the best version of yourself every day.

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STEP 1. Reflect on how you’re showing up – get honest with yourself

STEP 2. Identify what fills you up

STEP 3. Recognize when and why you’re NOT full

STEP 4. Commit to prioritizing filling yourself up and staying full

STEP 5. Stick with it and adjust as needed

Text STAY FULL to 833-261-1784 and I will send you a list of over 30 ideas to help you brainstorm what you can do to stay full.

Stand Up Against Leftism Before it’s Too Late

If the last year-and-a-half has taught us anything, it has taught us that it matters who we elect as leaders. It seems that politics and government have taken centerstage in every sphere of society.

Free speech is under attack and Leftist policies are advancing every where we look. Many are finally waking up to the reality of what has been happening behind closed doors.

We have seen the importance of having strong leadership and we have seen the devastating effects of poor leadership. We have seen the value of leaders with good and righteous motives and the destruction caused by leaders with self-centered, corrupt and greedy motives.

Big Tech has been given far too much power and control. It has allowed cancel culture to thrive, including censorship of the President of the United States of America.

The way Donald Trump has been treated should shock everyone, including those who oppose him. It goes without saying that those against standing Trump would never accept the same tech silencing and slandering treatment of someone they supported.

We have seen rabid hypocrisy that has been put on display from politicians like California Governor, Gavin Newson, California Congresswoman, Nanci Pelosi, and Texas House Democrats.

We have seen the politicization of ‘science’ with policies and guidance that are ever-changing, even contradicting and have a massive lack of evidence-based justification. Leaders like Dr. Fauci consistently changing their guidance with no explanation for clear conflicts with former guidance.

Sadly, the rampant Leftism in our culture today is even making its way into the Christian church.

Following typical elections, most people rarely notice a change to their daily lives. But everyone can now seen the consequences of who we elect and the power they have. Or perhaps more accurately, the power they have taken.

The time is now

If we don’t stand up and stop the Leftist push against every sphere of our society, we will be left with a destroyed nation that is unrecognizable. An America where individual freedom, free speech, limited government, fiscal responsibility, critical thinking, the rule of law, religious freedom and traditional families will be a thing of the past.

These are all explicit targets of the Left. The attacks are coming in the culture, in fake news, in social justice activist organizations, and even in legislation and regulation.

What’s next?

The good news is that many are standing up. They are taking action and fighting back. They are taking a stand for what is right and true.

The true agendas like those in education are being exposed. It has become clear that schools have prioritized indoctrinating students with leftest ideology, like CRT or gender confusion, rather than simply providing an education and strengthening their ability to learn and think critically.

Government overreach is becoming more and more clear by the day. And at the forefront of the agendas coming to light is election fraud.

What about you?

But what can you do? What should you do? What must you do?

We must use our voice. We must take a stand. We must understand the times we are in. We must get involved.

Everyone should be interested in politics today. Everyone who was not paying attention suddenly should have an interest because they can now see the direct impact that political leadership has on their lives.

A difference can be made with even a little effort. Learning more about local education curriculum. Going to a local school board meeting and taking a stand. Contacting your political representatives. Helping REAL conservatives get elected. Standing up for your real beliefs. Talking to fellow church members and leadership. Asking question that challenge the thinking of others. And searching for the truth beyond the headlines.

These are just a few of the ways that we can make a difference. We need to stand up and take action. The time to act is now.

What part will you play in helping get our culture and government back on track?

7 Keys to Get You Unstuck Today

Do you feel stuck?

Like you just keep trying to get where you want to go but nothing seems to stick? You find yourself moving onto the next thing to see if that will work instead? You’re not alone. I’ve been there and I want to share how I got unstuck, so you can do the same.

There are many reasons we can get stuck, but I want to highlight just a few core ones that you can use right away to evaluate where you’re at and what you can do to get UNSTUCK.

Rest assured that the enemy wants you to remain stuck and God wants you unstuck, so you can pursue His call on your life. Today is the day.

For any of what you read next to make a difference that lasts, you must first know Jesus Christ. If you don’t have a real personal relationship with Him as your Savior and Lord, email me or schedule some time and let’s talk (Ryan@yourfaithatwork.org).

1. Get full and stay full

You can’t pour anything out of an empty cup. You need to have your cup overflowing if you want to be the best version of you and of value to anyone else. I unconsciously thought this was selfish, but finally realized that the best thing I can do is to stay full so I can be at my best.

So, what fills you up? What makes a great day for you? What makes you excited? Podcasts? Reading? Writing? Slow starts to the day? Talking with friends? Prayer? Whatever it is, do it and do it more consistently. Make it a priority to stay full.

You need to make time for it. You have to prioritize investing in yourself. There’s a reason the airlines tell you to put your own oxygen mask on first: you can’t help anyone else if you pass out. You can’t be at your best if you’re not full.

2. Manage your state

I learned I must take responsibility for how I feel, my attitude, and my mindset. How you show up is up to you. You want to always be the best version of yourself, so how do you accomplish that?

You are responsible for how you feel and the mindset you adopt. Take notice: are you generally in a good mood or a bad mood? Do you have a positive outlook or a negative outlook? How did you interpret what happened to you yesterday? How did you respond on the inside?

Do you let the attitudes of others have an undesired impact on you? Stop making excuses and don’t give them that kind of power. Learn to manage your state and rise above what’s happening around you – Jesus didn’t always respond the same to people and circumstances, but it was always measured and in control.

I have found that with just a little focused effort, we can make a massive difference. If you notice you’re in a bad mood, don’t wait until the end of the day to deal with it. Take control of your attitude, your mindset and your state. Every moment of every day.

3. Take a hard look at yourself

Evaluate important areas of your life; what’s working well and what’s not? Take steps to put things in the right order. Do you have alignment between what you value and what you spend your time on?

Get clear on what’s working and do more of it. Get clear on what’s not working and take steps to fix it or remove it. Focus on becoming a leader you would want to follow. Do this in every area God has assigned to you.

4. Make a decision, then take fast action

The first step is to make a decision. Once you have made up your mind, I mean really made up your mind, it’s time to take action. If you’re not motivated to act, you haven’t made a real decision.

Start with small steps. Make smaller commitments so you can keep them. I have found that I was often frustrated because I couldn’t even keep commitments I made to myself. Once I recognized it, I made smaller commitments that I could easily keep with no mental resistance. If it’s too big, I ended up doing nothing.

Take small steps and focus on consistency, not doing everything at once. Achievement and perfection are great attributes but not if they become roadblocks to progress.

5. Fix the energy leaks

Do you have any small things that constantly pester you? An ever-increasing to do list? The mess of papers or piles of mail? Half-done tasks? Nagging thoughts about the past? Worries about the future or decisions you’re putting off?

Whatever it is it, is stealing your energy, joy and peace. What can you do today to start fixing an energy leak? Do you need to forgive yourself or someone else? Maybe you need to finally resolve to deal with something – today is the day.

If it’s something physical like a messy desk, set a timer and work on it for just 10 minutes before you sleep tonight. You will feel the difference.

6. Stop trying to change others or please others

Making a change for yourself is already a full time job. Don’t try to add changing others. You are responsible to God for what you do and how you act. God can change others when it’s time.

Make sure the change you’re making is not only because you want it to lead to a change in others. If that’s your reason, you will eventually grow weary and give up if they don’t change. Make your reason because you want to be obedient to God and glorify Him by being the best version of you, just like you were created to become.

If you have been prioritizing pleasing others at the expense of what you really want and your own convictions, start to learn how to express what you really want. People may not always respond positively, but at least they will be getting the real version of you.

It’s a process and you will make mistakes – just keep on the path.

7. Master your thinking

Lastly, and certainly not least, pay attention to what you think about. In a way, this one overshadows all the others.

We have 60,000-80,000 thoughts per day and research shows that for most people 80% of them are negative. You can’t always choose what comes into your mind but you can choose what stays there and what you dwell on.

Continually renewing your mind brings you into agreement with the truth of God’s Word (Rom 12:2).

Take the next step

All of these must be done with the Holy Spirit’s guidance and as a means to deepen your fellowship with Jesus. You can’t do it on your own. You must be in God’s Word and in regular time of prayer and worship.

Which one of these impacted you the most? Did you get some sense of relief or freedom?

Want a jump start? I can help

If you want help, send me an email (Ryan@yourfaithatwork.org) or set up a FREE video call for us to chat about getting you UNSTUCK and on the path God laid out for you before you were even born.



April 29, 2021

Media Contact: 319-830-1421


CEDAR FALLS, IA — Gov. Kim Reynolds has appointed 2020 Iowa House Candidate Ryan Howard to the Early Childhood Iowa State Board. Ryan will be joined by six other new appointees to the state board.

Pending Senate confirmation, Howard’s term will be effective on 05/01/2021 and will end on 04/30/2024.

Early Childhood Iowa is a statewide initiative within the Iowa Department of Management that unites public and private agencies, organizations, and stakeholders under one common vision, “Every child, beginning at birth, will be healthy and successful.”

“It is an honor to receive this appointment from Governor Reynolds and I am looking forward to working at the state level,” said Howard on the appointment. “It’s great to see our leadership increasing our state’s focus on giving Iowa children the best start to life.”

Early Childhood Iowa focuses on the first five years of life, which play a critical role in impacting children’s chances for success throughout the rest of their lives. “Our children are our future and I’m excited to help strengthen our community partnerships through my work on the ECI State Board,” Howard continued.

Through his work with the United Way Education Community Impact Team, Howard has helped to direct funding and resources to high-impact local youth education programs. He recently completed a 3-year term on the Cedar Valley United Way’s Board of Directors and is actively involved with the Black Hawk County Child Care Coalition.

Howard was the 2020 Republican candidate for Iowa House District 60 and was endorsed by U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley. Howard’s campaign focused in part on helping Iowa children and families thrive through increasing access to high-quality child care.

Howard works at John Deere in supplier development and hosts a weekly podcast at YourFaithAtWork.org, where he discusses faith, work and current events. He and his wife Bruna also operate a state-registered in-home Child Care and are registered foster parents. They live in Cedar Falls with their son, John.


Prophetic and Situational Revelation

The below post is an excerpt from the dissertation, Faith At Work: An Exploration of the Role of Work in the Life of Followers of Jesus Christ, published in May 2019 by Dr. Ryan S. Howard at Louisiana Baptist University.

It is important to live in close intimacy and relationship with God and to abide by the general principles and virtues set forth throughout this chapter. However, there is more to how God wants to work through His people. God wants to work through revelation. All throughout the Bible, one can see God revealing not only His truth to His people but also His knowledge and wisdom. He gives wisdom to His followers for how to apply knowledge in unique and difficult situations. He is not providing new revelation that should be added to His Word. To further clarify this principle, it will be helpful to establish a new term for the specific kind of revelation God wants to provide to His followers in their work. The new term that can be used is situational revelation. In order to define, understand and rightly apply this term and concept, it will be helpful to briefly review several different types of revelation.

Revelation can be defined as, “The disclosure of divine secrets, knowledge, or other information from the divine realm to humans.”[1] It can also be defined as, “the supernatural communication of truth to the mind.”[2] Before discussing situational revelation further, it will be helpful to briefly review a few of the ways that revelation occurs in the Bible. The below definitions are generally understood and are intended to provide a general overview for comparison, rather than a doctrinal exposition:

  • Scriptural revelation refers to the inspired Word of God, the Canon, which is complete, infallible, inerrant, and to which can no longer be added (2 Tim 3:16-17).
  • General revelation is generally accepted as that which God reveals of Himself through creation and through people as made in His image (Rom. 1:20).
  • Special revelation can refer to unique revelation given to individuals by God, such as the prophets, or to God’s unique revelation of the truth about Jesus, which can bring people into a relationship with Him (Acts 9:3-9).
  • Prophetic revelation is also referred to as prophecy and can refer to several matters, such as the work of a prophet in Scripture, a proclamation about the future or the unknown, or a message from God to His people. It can also refer to a divine message directed through an individual for another individual or group of people (Jer. 7:7).
  • Natural revelation refers to divination or the “interpretation of omens.”[3] This type of so-called “revelation” is not from God and is condemned throughout Scripture (Deut. 18:9-12, Lev. 19:26-31, Acts 19:19).

Situational revelation can then be referred to as knowledge and wisdom that is revealed by God to a believer and is related to a specific situation or circumstance. The term situation is used because it is unique to the time and place. The term revelation is used because the knowledge and wisdom exist in the mind of God before they are revealed to the believer. Situational revelation from God can only come to those who have a true relationship with Jesus. Prophetic revelation is most similar in concept and application to that of situational revelation.

The Bible includes many examples of this type of revelation from God to His people. God worked through situational revelation when Joseph interpreted the dream of Pharaoh. When Pharaoh asked Joseph for the interpretation, Joseph responded, “It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh a favorable answer” (Gen. 41:16 ESV).[4] God revealed the dream’s interpretation to Joseph. God also gave Joseph the right approach to prepare for the famine that would develop in Egypt, which provides yet another example of situational revelation. Daniel also sought God for an answer to know and interpret the dream of a king. After time in prayer with his companions, Daniel received knowledge of both the dream itself and the interpretation of the dream to share with the king (Dan. 2:16-24, 31-45). Daniel made the point clear that his knowledge came as a revelation from God, when he said, “this mystery has been revealed to me” (Dan. 2:30).[5]

Daniel also made it clear that God was giving him the answer to a difficult problem that no one else could resolve. When he answered the king, Daniel said, “No wise men, enchanters, magicians, or astrologers can show to the king the mystery that the king has asked, but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and he has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will be in the latter days […]” (Dan 2:27-28 ESV).[6] God revealed mysteries to Daniel and He desires to work the same way with His people today.

In the Bible, God also gave others like Joseph and Esther answers to tough problems that no one else could solve and that no one else was in a position to solve. They received specific directions and revelation from God in unique situations that required partnership with Him to navigate. Each of these three advised the leadership of nations; they were not leaders of churches, or synagogues or a temple. God revealed and convicted each of these people to take the action needed. The book of Esther does not even mention the name of God, but He is the clear orchestrator of events. People face difficult problems today in their work, no matter what kind of work they pursue. God still desires to help resolve those unique problems and to give revelatory wisdom to His people. While work is not solely about solving difficult problems, it is certainly something that God often uses to glorify His name.

Working with God through prophetic, special and situational revelation is clearly much more than simply applying principles. It requires a deep intimate connection to God. To be clear, this type of revelation is not in any way equated with the inspired Word of God, or an absolute controlling “must-do” for the believer. In each of the examples provided, they could have chosen not to act with the wisdom and knowledge they had. However, each of them did choose to partner with God in their unique situations, which resulted in the expanding of His Kingdom’s influence on earth and brought glory to His name. Christ-followers are called to do the same today.

God still works through unique revelation to His people. It is not revelation of new truth, but revelation of wisdom for the time at hand that is always in line with His Word. The right application of knowledge for what can often be complicated and difficult circumstances. With God’s direction, the people in biblical examples were able to take the perfect action that was needed, and with God’s direction, His people can do the same today.


[1] David P. Melvin, “Revelation,” ed. John D. Barry et al., The Lexham Bible Dictionary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2016), electronic ed., no pp. available.

[2] M. G. Easton, Easton’s Bible Dictionary (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1893), electronic ed., no pp. available.

[3] David P. Melvin, “Revelation,” electronic ed., no pp. available.

[4] Holy Bible: English Standard Version, Gen. 41:16.

[5] Holy Bible: English Standard Version, Dan. 2:30.

[6] Holy Bible: English Standard Version, Dan. 2:27-28.

7 Tips to Make 2020 A Great Year

The beginning of a new year is a great time to reflect on the past year and plan for the year ahead. Whether you are the type to set goals or not, these easy tips will help you ensure that 2020 is your best year yet.

Below are 7 simple tips to help you get the most out of 2020.

1. Use Process Goals

It is great to set goals for what we want to achieve, but I have found it to be much more effective to also set goals related to process. We want to have our larger goals and outcomes in mind, but we can’t forget about what it will take to get there.

For example, if I wanted to publish one article per week this year, I would make a process goal of writing for 25 minutes at least three times per week. That would give me the PROCESS that would help me to achieve the OUTCOME.

2. Use Micro-Habits

Making lasting change can be difficult. But if we put our focus on the right area, we can make true changes that will last.

Micro-habits are tiny commitments that will take very little motivation or effort to complete. They can even be so small that they are almost embarrassing to mention.

Micro-habits are a great way to make small changes that will lead to lasting results.

The idea is that there will be no mental resistance to getting started. Then once the ball is rolling, we can continue past what we planned. Plus if we only do the small commitment, we can move forward guilt free.

Here are some examples:

  • Reading one page of a book before sleeping
  • Writing for ten minutes
  • Running for 10 minutes
  • Praying for one minute
  • Drinking a single glass of water

Each of these can be used to create new habits that can be built on over time.

3. Set and Review Priorities Regularly

If we want to have the best year we can, we must set goals and priorities. Take some time to think about the last year and what you want to be the same and different for this year.

Take time to actually write out your priorities and goals for the next year. Then review them daily for at least a week and then whatever interval is helpful after the first week.

When you review them, make small commitments that can move them forward.

4. Focus on the Next Step

While it is great to keep the bigger picture in mind, when planning your progress, it is best to think about the exact next step you need to take.

Be sure to break larger projects and goals down into smaller more manageable tasks. This way you can identify the exact next step you need to take to move everything forward.

This will help you to keep from getting stuck and keep the ball rolling.

For example, when my goal was to organize the garage, my steps were the following: 1) separate all trash and cardboard, 2) cut up old boxes, 3) put up wall racks for tools, 4) organize tool boxes, 5) organize tool bench, and so on.

You can see that the larger goal of organizing the garage can seem overwhelming, but the smaller steps can be addressed individually to make progress quickly.

5. Strive for Consistency

As you review your goals each day or week, strive to make consistent progress on each of them. You don’t have to finish everything at once, but if you can consistently move things forward, you will stay motivated and will achieve great things.

Whatever you commit to, make it small commitments and focus on one thing at a time. The consistency builds motivation and can keep you going.

Don’t let yourself get bogged down with over-complication. Just keep it simple.

6. Use Sprints to Make Quick Progress

Consider using a hyper-focus on one task or goal you want to accomplish. This is a “sprint” where you focus on one thing intensely for a week or two.

For example, when wanted to finish a video course quickly, I spent all my time on it for a week until it was ready.

Another smaller examples were to create a webinar slide deck. I gave myself one week to have a product ready to go. No matter what, I had to have SOMETHING ready.

My desire to “perfect it” had to come only after the first draft was completed.

7. Talk and Write About It

Two powerful ways to get real commitment from yourself is to write things down and to share them with others. Share your plans with others and talk about your progress.

Writing and talking about what you what to accomplish will help you to gain much needed clarity on your goals and priorities. It also helps you establish what needs to be done next.

Bringing it All Together

These simple tips have helped me to accomplish a lot over the last year. I certainly didn’t always apply them perfectly, but they are always easy to come back to.

Don’t be too hard on yourself this year and don’t let your big goals overwhelm you. If you find yourself off track, just hit reset and get right back to it.

So what will you do to help ensure that you have a great year ahead? What else will help you to focus on having a great year in 2020? Be sure to let me know!