Cutting Edge Faith Podcast
Get equipped for the Culture War with Ryan's Top 10% podcast downloaded in 195 countries. You will be equipped to Understand the times, Stand for truth, and Grow in your faith.
Speaking & Events
Invite Ryan to speak at your event or interview on your show. Ryan has been a guest on top-ranked business and Christian podcasts. He has spoken at churches in the US and Brazil and has worked with over 200 businesses across 21 countries.
Premium Ghostwriting & Business Mentoring
Grow your revenue with conversion assets that Ryan will customize 100% for you with your own content. Ryan can also help you gain clarity and get your business or ministry unstuck.

Cutting Edge Faith Podcast
This podcast will help grow your faith for everyday life. It will bring you the truth behind the headlines and equip your faith to navigate the cultural chaos of today. Each week you’ll hear a devotional-style episode that will edify your faith in a practical and actionable way, and you’ll hear an episode that will reveal the meaning behind current events. This show will also bring you engaging interviews on important topics. God is on the move right now through people just like you and you are part of His plan.  Get engaged by submitting your questions or topics for the show. Just visit the contact page to let us know!
You want your faith to make a difference. Ryan can help.
Join thousands of others who are equipping their faith with Ryan every day.
Learn how you can engage God in the details of your life.
Most of life happens outside the Church building.
Don't waste the adventure God has prepared for you - your faith will never be the same.
Navigate the cultural chaos of today
Navigate the cultural chaos of today
Learn how the Bible relates to current events
Learn how the Bible relates to current events
Engage your faith in everyday life
Engage your faith in everyday life
Recognize God's Voice
Recognize God's Voice
Gain clarity & get unstuck
Gain clarity & get unstuck
Grow in confidence and consistency
Grow in confidence and consistency
Dr. Ryan S. Howard
Speaker, Podcaster, Author, Coach
Meet Ryan
Ryan is the host of Cutting Edge Faith, a global top 10% podcast with downloads across 195 countries. He is a contributor for Charisma Magazine online and is the author of 21 Days to a Spirit-Led Life. He holds a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies and has earned degrees in engineering and business. Ryan speaks about faith for everyday life and has delivered messages at churches in the US and Brazil. His near 20-year career in global procurement and manufacturing has taken him to over 20 countries, as he worked with nearly 200 businesses and coached over 50 leaders. Ryan lives in Florida with his wife Bruna and their son John.

Download Ryan's FREE 21-day Devotional
A fully spirit-led life is closer than you think.
Invite Ryan to Speak
Heartland Vineyard Church in Cedar Falls, IA
#1 Ranked Business Podcast ThriveTime Show with Clay Clark (link to original)
IMVR Church in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Popular Topics
Engaging God in the Details of Life at Work, at Home and in the Culture
Commentary on Current Events, Culture, Business & Geopolitical Issues (Biblical & Conservative Viewpoints)
The Rise & Calling of the Marketplace Minister
How the Bible Relates to Modern Day Events
Learning to Recognize God’s Voice
Christian & Bible Apologetics
What people are saying...
Each video is packed full of truth and so encouraging! Applicable to every person.
Ryan’s podcasts are a quick challenge and encouragement for Christians in the workplace. Our faith should matter daily, but that comes from training our mind to be aware of our environment, and our calling. Ryan’s message will give you something to think about as you go through your day. Good stuff!
Coaching with Ryan helped shed light on numerous areas of my life that I was blind to or was unwilling to turn over to the Lord ... The course pushed me where I needed it and did it with gentleness and respect. I highly recommend the course to anyone who wants to grow themselves and more importantly grow closer to God.
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Embrace your God-given passion
God created each one of us with passions, interests and desires. They give us clues to what God created us to do. But we need to pursue them His way with purity and righteousness, not for self-centered gain.
Discover your God-given assignments
God created you with a path to walk on. Are you on it? If you’re not sure whether you are, I can help. God has prepared great works for you to do, but you must be tuned-in to do them.
Grow your influence & effectiveness
God has given you a territory to influence for His glory and to advance His Kingdom. God’s directions to have dominion and multiply didn’t stop in the garden with Adam and Eve. It continues with you today … are you ready to step into your God-given assignment?
Reach your God-given potential
God calls us to do everything with excellence and for Him and His glory. With years of experience working with hundreds of companies across more than 20 countries, I want to help you pursue personal development and professional performance in a way that is God-centered and focused on advancing His Kingdom.
Strengthen your identity & mindset
Your mindset and how you see yourself have a massive impact on how you show up every day. I want to help you live with a biblical identity and with a mind that is continually renewed. Join me to learn how to manage your state.